Shape Knocker

Shape Knocker is a game about knocking shapes off a platform while they try to knock you off. It was made with the Unity 3D engine for the Unity Learn Junior Programmer course. Background Part of the course involved me working on a personal project alongside the main learning material. The mechanics I would be taught ideally should be implemented into said personal project. I would eventually turn this project into what you are seeing now....

July 9, 2023 · 1 min · ninjasmosa

He/She to They userscript

What is it? This is a userscript that replaces any instance of “He/She” or “He or She” on a web page to “They”. The code can recognise instances of “he/she is” and replace them with “they are” to maintain grammatical correctness. Other contextual differences can be recognised and replaced accordingly. How do I use this? You will need a userscript manager. I recommend Tampermonkey. Once you have Tampermonkey installed, visit the GitHub repo and follow the instructions in the readme....

August 13, 2022 · 1 min · ninjasmosa

Raspberry Pi Nextcloud server

A Raspberry Pi single-board computer What is it? This is a Raspberry Pi running the software Nextcloud. The Raspberry is a low-cost single-board computer. It can be used for a wide variety of cases, like robotics or controlling electrical devices. Nextcloud is an open-source program that allows you to store your files on a server of your choice or even your own. Why not Google Drive/OneDrive/Dropbox? The moment you upload a file to one of these sites you’ve pretty much lost control of it....

April 7, 2022 · 2 min · ninjasmosa

Escape the underground cell

About this game In this game, you find yourself trapped inside a cell in an underground chamber. Why you are here is unknown, however you should probably find a way out of here before something bad happens to you. I wrote this game for a computer science project around a year or so ago (probably 2020/early 2021). It uses global variables, subroutines and else-if statements. Since the first inception I have replaced the static safe code with a random number generator that generates a random safe code every time the game is run....

March 30, 2022 · 1 min · ninjasmosa

About the website Screenshot of my new website This website was built using Hugo, a static website builder coded in Go, and hosted on Cloudflare Pages (previously Netlify). The source code can be seen on GitHub. Written in a mix of markdown, HTML and CSS, I made this to replace my old website which was built on Google Sites, after finding it restrictive and being unable to get the custom domain to properly work....

February 23, 2022 · 3 min · ninjasmosa